A July 4th to remember
I had quite an interesting July 4th. So much, that it's taken me a week to recover and to finally post about it on my blog. Normally on July 4th, I go with my brother to the East River and watch the fireworks from a park or from the FDR but this year we got invited to a last minute party on the rooftop of a 57 floor building. These guys were a friend of a friend and rent one of the penthouse apartments with rooftop access overlooking the east river right where the fireworks display was going off. There were around 300 people all dancing, drinking, and enjoying the fireworks. It was pretty amazing.
Next up we swung by some Russian party and danced to some not so great Russian music with really cute Russian women while drinking some more. We didn't stay that long but had a good time while we were there.
Finally, after that we decided to go to the famous Roxy in NYC. This club holds around 3,000+ people on a massive dance floor with a 5 million dollar lighting system. While we were on the way I discovered a poorly maintained sidewalk which introduced me very quickly to some NYC pavement. In the process I injured my elbow which is still recovering but much better off now. Stupid me decided to go to the party anyway and I danced until around 4:30am until I decided to go home in a cab. Of course it was pouring rain out when I left but I was fortunately able to get a cab before long.
I did all this and the amazing thing was that the only thing I paid for was the cab ride home. Quite a 4th of July if you ask me. This one is one to remember for a long time.
nico says:
wow, that sounds like an awesome time... wish I could have done something that interesting for Canada Day.
by the way, my trip to NYC might be postponed until next year. need more time to gather up more money for a better trip... plus, i'm planning on going to Cuba or Mexico during Spring Break the year after next and I need about three thou for that... *sigh* So I guess you won't need to be a tour guide for now ;)
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