
Tuesday, July 27, 2004

What happens at the bachelor party stays at the bachelor party

A must requirement of all bachelor parties. I'm sure many wonder just what it is that goes on in the private, men only, bachelor parties. Well this blog post is not going to tell you. Nor should you know! It's quite an experience that all men know of and proudly keep to themselves. However, I won't leave you completely in a state of wonder. Below is a small event that happened during the party that might help satisfy your curiosity or only drive you to wonder more. Enjoy...

We were all enjoying ourselves and enjoying the show. The bachelor party was taking place in the back room of a local bar in nolita. Part way into the young girl from the main part of the bar casually wandered into the back room where our party was already underway. She wandered in and took a seat only to glance up and see something that was quite a shock to her eyes. She soon sped from the room as fast as she could. We were all a bit taken by surprise by our unexpected visitor and all had a good laugh about it.

Strangely, not 15 minutes later, the very same girl walked back in not once, but twice more. Did she want to participate or was it just curiosity as to what is the secret ritual known as the bachelor party. Who will ever know? For now, one lucky girl got to see a brief part of a sacred ritual among men. Perhaps the word will spread, but for that bachelor's fiance's sake...let us hope not.


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