I'm in The New York Times
Interestingly enough, I donated $10 to the Mozilla foundation and that got my name listed in thier New York Times ad which just came out today. I'm listed with about 50,000 other names and it's pretty exciting. It's a really cool ad but the names are so small so break out your glasses! You can read an article about it on spreadfirefox.com.
Also, in exciting related news, FireFox has passed the ten million download mark and is still going strong. I hope to see much progress as the competition is good for the web browser market. Watch out Microsoft!
Yes, I too rejoice with the news that there is once again an alternative to Microsoft’s browser. I have to confess that I quite like IE and until recently used it in preference to every other browser that I had tried, but now I’m a Firefox convert. Unfortunately there are some pages that IE and Firefox don’t display the same. It’s a shame that the common HTML tags still don’t have a common interpretation. It’s also a shame that many people are still only testing their pages on IE on the basis that over 90% of the net population still use it.
But I have faith. I’m certainly ensuring that my pages work on both IE and Firefox equally well. As I understand it Firefox is still taking ground from IE and if we can spread the word to developers to ensure that they test their pages with Firefox too, then together we should be able to redress the balance. :-)
Have you also tried Open Office? I found that to be very slow and was eventually forced to uninstall it. I’d love to return to it sometime when it can out perform MS Office. Is there any other open source software out there that can be used to replace inferior Microsoft products? I’d like to try it if I can find it if there is. Unfortunately, I have to draw the line at the OS. Being a developer I have to stick with Windows for the time being…
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