
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

NYC Subway Bag Searches are a Waste!!

Many people might be aware that NYC now is randomly searching the bags of people who are boarding the subway at various stops in hopes to deter would be bombers but what you may not realize is what they are doing is an utter waste of resources.

Since the plan went into place I've run into these bag searches twice over about two month’s time. Neither of these times was I even glanced at for consideration for a bag search nor did I see anyone else being searched. There were merely a few police officers sitting at a desk with a sign explaining why they were there. They were just chatting away and not searching anyone.

Of course what makes it even more pointless is that if you see them searching bags, there is nothing to stop you from just leaving and walking 3-4 blocks to another subway entrance where there is no bag searching going on.

In conclusion, this bag searching is a waste of time and resources and either step it up and do it for real or don't bother wasting our tax dollars on what is clearly a flawed public relations move.


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